Business panel: ‘Keep things fresh and invest in lifelong learning’
Are we fresh or frazzled in our offering?

Susie Crowder, managing director of Bright Futures, replies:
‘AS THE rate of skills change accelerates across both old and new roles in all industries, proactive and innovative skill building and talent management is becoming an urgent issue. Employers and employees must invest more time into upskilling or face the fact that they will be left behind, potentially be displaced by automation or simply squeezed out of the market. Skills are increasingly facing a short shelf life. The complex multitude of skills gaps are creating a real challenge to business.
Global connectivity, smart machines and new media are just some of the drivers reshaping work, redefining work, and the skills we will need to be productive contributors in the future. Whilst research suggests that people most like to learn at work, evidence also suggests that there is not enough time invested to allow the necessary learning to take place. We need to reprioritise lifelong learning as a business critical activity.
New multimedia technologies are bringing about a transformation in the way we communicate and learn. As technologies for video production, digital animation, augmented reality, gaming, and media editing become ever more sophisticated and widespread, a new ecosystem is taking shape. We are literally developing a new vernacular, a new language, for communication and learning. You can now learn anywhere at any time.
New for 2019, Bright Futures LBG are working with several online learning providers to enrich the local offering. With more and more learners reaching for their smartphones for short injections of knowledge, we have identified that this is an area in the local market that could be filled. Using technological advancements to our advantage should enable everyone to have access to good quality learning content as and when they need it. We are here to help you and businesses to meet your full potential.
On behalf of the Bright Futures LBG team, we wish you a happy Christmas and hope that you will enter 2019 fresh and ready to learn.’