Responsiveness and agility key to success
Business panel: How can we prepare for the challenges on the horizon?

Susie Crowder, managing director, Bright Futures, replies:
‘AS ORGANISATIONS across all business sectors seek to adapt to the fast changing dynamics of the digital economy, technologies such as cloud computing and mobile have become established in mainstream IT and corporate agendas. Such massive and ongoing change requires a rethink of investment into human capital development to ensure that our island remains competitive. Operational agility and a clear and attractive value proposition throughout the value chain are key to our success.
‘However, the drive towards digital transformation necessitates a change of attitude towards investment in technology and some rethinking of the shape of the future workplace and workforce. Some sectors are better placed than others.
‘For example, statistics show that retail businesses have led the way in investment in technology, whilst other sectors, such as financial services, have been relatively slow to take up opportunities.
‘At the heart of business and economic success, regardless of sector, are our people. Bright Futures LBG believes that we will go some way in remaining competitive by inspiring the people of Guernsey to continue to learn in a way which suits their learning style, fits into their busy lives and supports their confidence in ever changing areas such as technology (IoT, cloud, mobile, AI, etc).
‘Responsiveness and agility are commonly seen as key drivers of economic and business success. Let us help you to have skills to realise it.
‘As globalisation continues to challenge our attractiveness as a jurisdiction to invest, live and work, we must consider our value proposition. Human capital lies at the heart of our island’s success. Bright Futures warmly invites island residents to explore with us how we could help in supporting you in enhancing your value proposition in 2019. Be aspirational, be inspired, be enthusiastic. Lifelong education really is the best investment to stay competitive. We are here to help.’
n Need inspiring insights? Why not attend the C.I Human Capital Summit: The Future of Work on 14 March at St James. Search Eventbrite to book today.