Guernsey Press

Sure launches first tech bursary for female pupils

IN A FIRST for Guernsey, a bursary for female students considering studying science, technology, engineering or a maths-related degrees has been launched by telecoms company Sure.

Lucienne De La Mare HR director at Sure launched the new women in tech bursary. (23750352)

The bursary, which is now open for applications, has been developed by Sure to diversify the gender balance within the local telecoms and technology sectors and increase the island’s digitally skilled workforce.

One winning student will receive £1,500 annually to support her studies over a three-year degree. Additionally, she will undertake six weeks’ paid work experience at Sure every year throughout the bursary plus receive ongoing support from female mentors in senior positions at Sure.

‘This bursary aims to inspire female students to consider the great opportunities available through studying a STEM subject at university,’ said Lucienne De La Mare, HR director at Sure.

‘We need more women in technology as, according to Women in Tech, female representation in the sector has stalled over the last decade.

‘Within telecoms and technology women make up just 22% of the UK workforce, according to the 2018 Labour Force survey. At Sure 28% of employees are female, but this includes only 5% of our engineering and technical staff. Thirty-three percent of Sure’s senior leadership roles are held by women.

‘Stereotypes and prejudice are sadly still hurdles that women have to overcome in the industry. But our bursary, with paid work experience and ongoing support from female mentors at Sure to create an invaluable network of women working in tech, are just some of the ways that we are trying to break down these barriers.’

She added: ‘The States of Guernsey is actively working to develop a digital economy in the island so increasing the size of the talent pool to ensure we have the professionals to work in the variety of roles required will be vital. This bursary will go some way to help equip our local workforce with the STEM-related skills needed.’

Out of the 338 women currently in higher education from Guernsey – degree level or higher – less than 1% are currently studying engineering or computer science.

Lucy Kirby, head of digital at the Digital Greenhouse, which supports the island’s digital and creative sectors, said: ‘There is a growing need to encourage more people into digital pathways in the island, particularly women.

‘At the Digital Greenhouse we host and devise initiatives to help develop the island’s digital skills and grow our digital economy. Sure’s new bursary is a great opportunity to inspire and support women into pursuing a career in technology.’

Students who would like to apply for the bursary must be planning to go to university in September 2019 and will need to send their CV and a cover letter to by Thursday 28 February 2019. Interviews will be undertaken in March 2019 and an offer to the successful candidate will be made by the end of the month.

The bursary will also be run in Jersey and the Isle of Man.