Guernsey Press

Trading desk in great hands at Ravenscroft

RAVENSCROFT’S expansion to Monaco has led to changes on the company’s trading desk.

Wing Kin Lai and Jake Le Marchant of Ravenscroft. (24161671)

Earlier this year, Ravenscroft, which already has offices in Guernsey, Jersey and the UK, announced it had entered into a joint venture and was opening an office in Monaco, which would be led by Guernsey head of trading Dale Acton.

As a result Jake Le Marchant has been promoted to head of trading and market making in Guernsey. Wing Kin Lai has also joined the team, which is responsible for trading worldwide equities, bonds, forex and derivatives for clients across the globe as well as being a Market Maker on The International Stock Exchange.

‘Jake was the perfect person to take over the trading desk as he has been part of the team for 10 years and amassed a huge amount of knowledge. He is highly regarded by clients and well-liked by his colleagues. His energy will be vital to the continued growth of the trading desk,’ said Mark Bousfield, group managing director of Ravenscroft.

Mr Bousfield added that the two men’s experience was invaluable to the desk and the wider company.

Mr Le Marchant joined the company after completing his A-levels at Elizabeth College and has since completed his CISI Level 3 Certificate in Securities and CISI Level 4 Diploma in Investment Advice (Securities).

Mr Lai joins Ravenscroft with nearly eight years of trading experience, having previously worked at Sportingbet and Investec Private Bank.

‘Jake is one of a number of Ravenscroft staff who joined from school and have undertaken qualifications while they have been working. We have recently established The Ravenscroft Academy to nurture our own talent and so it’s great that those youngsters joining us now can see how much emphasis we put on career development,’ he said.

‘Our trading desk is a vital part of our business as it not only trades for their clients but also for advisory and investment management teams and it is in great hands.’