How do I keep my start-up safe from fraud, scams and cyber threats?
Gez Overstall, ecosystem manager at the Barclays Eagle Lab, replies:

IT’S A fact of the modern economy that businesses are constantly under threat from fraud, scams and cyber security attacks. Big organisations handle this pressure by dedicating entire teams to the cause of cyber security; but how do entrepreneurs and start-ups keep their businesses safe?
Even if you’re a solopreneur at the moment, the first step in keeping your organisation safe is understanding that security is a priority and giving it the time it deserves. At Barclays Eagle Labs we offer some simple tips to help you protect your business:
1. Never click on a link in an unsolicited email. Save all your confidential and vital business files on an external hard drive to limit business interruption should you fall victim to a malware attack.
2. No bank, including Barclays, would call or email you to transfer money to a ‘safe account’ or ask you to hand over account or security information.
3. Check invoices carefully – fraudsters can send you invoices, pretending to be a trusted supplier, with different payment details. If you’re in doubt, contact your supplier on a trusted number.
4. Be careful managing your business on the go. Unsecured Wi-Fi located in airports, cafes or on public transport could be an open door for a cyber-attack.
n Visit our website for more information on fraud, scams, cyber security attacks and how to protect your business against these threats: