Business panel: Exit interviews a ‘valuable exercise’
What is the point in exit interviews?

Vicki Eppelein, HR and payroll services manager, Leapfrog Recruitment Consultants, replies:
Exit interviews are held when an employee is leaving the business. The purpose of an exit interview is to get information from the departing employee about their experience within the company and identify any opportunities that could help with employee retention and engagement in the future.
Conducting exit interviews can be a valuable experience that provides useful insights. They should be conducted in the proper way, being sure you are asking relevant questions specific to the employee and their role within the organisation.
It is not just about conducting the interview, it is also about what you do with the information you have collected. Many employers will simply file away the notes after a quick glance but you should include a plan to review, and where necessary act on, any information collected. Employers have to be prepared to hear what is said and deal with the information gathered, otherwise there is little point in conducting the interview.
The interviews do not have to be long or complicated, they just need to be enough to establish why the employee is leaving (or says they are leaving) and gather feedback on your organisation. It can also be good for the employee to receive feedback on their time with the company which could be helpful for their future career.
It is always best to try and leave things on good terms where possible – one day that employee might be useful to the business either as an employee again, a business partner or an advocate for the business. Care and perhaps a slightly adjusted approach should be taken if the employee’s departure was not expected by them in circumstances such as redundancy or a disciplinary dismissal, in sensitive situations it just might not be appropriate.
If you are not already holding exit interviews, I would consider it and the value they could bring to your company.