ICSA awards for governance and corporate excellence
STARS of governance and corporate services have been recognised in Guernsey.

The Guernsey branch of ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute announced the winners of its 2020 awards at its annual dinner.
Company secretary of the year went to Teresa Le Couteur of Northern Trust Guernsey. The governance professional title was awarded to PraxisIFM Group’s Shona Darling. Alter Domus (Guernsey) Ltd was named corporate services team. The One to Watch award went to Francesca Fossey of TMF Group.
Student excellence awards for achieving the best international score on papers submitted were presented to Sally Hunt and Evie Page of Artemis CI Ltd and Langham Hall’s Briony Smallman.
Paul Smith, chairman of the Institute’s Guernsey branch, said: ‘This year we are particularly proud of the achievements of our members and students who have shown great fortitude and pragmatism in the face of extremely challenging circumstances.
‘Covid-19 has had a huge impact on business and the world of work, not to mention the impact on people’s lives in general. The amount of work that our members have had to do in order to ensure that good governance practices have been maintained while businesses adapt to the “new normal” has increased substantially and we couldn’t be prouder of their efforts.’
He added: ‘Our winners’ commitment to maintaining the highest standards of governance in quite extraordinary circumstances has reinforced the benefit that good governance brings to companies and the economy and has also shown the added value that governance professionals bring to any business.’
Dr Nicola Brink, Guernsey’s director of Public Health, was guest speaker at the event, which took place at the Duke of Richmond Hotel earlier this month, and presented the winners with their awards.