GFSC has new vice-chairman
THE Guernsey Financial Services Commission has a new vice-chairman.

Advocate Simon Howitt has been elected to the role, succeeding Bob Moore, who has stood down as a commissioner after nine years’ service.
Advocate Howitt has more than 30 years’ experience as an advocate and is a consultant at Babbe, having previously been a partner.
A past president of the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce, he has served on a number of States committees as a non-member. Advocate Howitt is a member of the board of examiners for the Guernsey bar exams and a member of the editorial board of the Jersey and Guernsey Law Review.
Speaking about these changes, commission chairman Dr Cees Schrauwers said: ‘Bob Moore served the commission in an exemplary manner over the past nine years and as its vice-chairman since February 2017. I should like to place on record the commission’s sincere thanks to him for the significant contribution he made during his time as a commissioner.
‘I am also delighted that Advocate Howitt has been elected as the commission’s new vice-chairman; he has already made a valuable contribution to the work of the commission since his appointment as a commissioner and I look forward to continuing to work with him.’