Pride of Guernsey: Terry Buckley
‘TERRY BUCKLEY is always professional, helpful and caring and is a true unsung hero at the shelter,’ according to manager Steve Byrne of the GSPCA, who has nominated her for the Alexander Daniels-sponsored Customer Service of the Year award.

‘For over 15 years Terry has been on the front line of the GSPCA as our receptionist three days a week,’ Steve said. ‘In that time she has helped tens of thousands of animals, their owners, finders and so many others.
‘Terry is extremely reliable and knowledgeable and we are very lucky to have her as part of the team.’
Away from the GSPCA, Terry is also heavily involved with the Guernsey Island Dog Training Club. ‘[She]
is [as] highly thought of there as she is here,’ said Steve.
Steve said that Terry approaches all situations – from hearing about cruelly treated animals to helping bereaved pet owners, to reuniting strays with their owners and finding animals loving homes – both professionally and in a caring way.
‘Without public support, we could not achieve so much and Terry’s customer service helps us to aspire to do the best we can for all those who need our help in a caring and compassionate way.’