Guernsey Press

Tamara Beach

TAMARA BEACH has been praised for her time and patience by Heidi Baker and her eight-year-old son, Aidan, with a nomination for the Garenne-sponsored Teacher of the Year award.

Le Rondin teacher Tamara Beach.

‘When I felt like everybody else had given up on [Aidan], she welcomed him to her class,’ mum Heidi said. ‘He is now thriving in school and learning to read and write and count and I couldn’t be prouder of him.’

Mrs Beach was actually teaching the year above Aidan’s, however she made room for him in her class when he transferred schools halfway through the year. He then stayed with her for the following year.

‘He had behavioural problems and learning difficulties, but home life is so different now as Aidan can handle his emotions,’ explained his mum.

‘I strongly believe it’s all down to the nurturing environment Mrs Beach provides.

‘She is so caring, friendly and patient and I am so grateful for all she has done for my family and many others, too, I’m sure.’

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