Guernsey Press

Margaret Domaille

Margaret Domaille has been nominated for the A7 Design-sponsored Parish Champion of the Year award for her devotion to her husband and raising money for charity.

Margaret Domaille, pictured with husband Len. (22097535)

Mrs Domaille’s anonymous nominator said Margaret is a devoted and caring wife to her husband Len and a member of the Salvation Army at L’islet.

‘Earlier this year she walked 10 miles to raise money in order to buy a defibrillator for the Army building and she completed it in just two hours, despite never having done something like that before,’ they said,

‘Len had been called into the hospital that morning but she didn’t want to let anyone down and walked around thinking of Len the whole way.

‘Len survived a devastating heart attack last year and was saved thanks to the paramedics’ use of a defibrillator machine.

‘She said she wanted to be able to save someone else’s life if they have a heart attack in the area.

‘All this while working part-time at Guernsey Electric and being a lovely warm woman, she has made a real difference this year. ‘

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