Pride of Guernsey: Gareth Jones
HEAD of mathematics at St Sampson’s High School Gareth Jones has been nominated as 2019’s Teacher of the Year.

Mr Jones was nominated by one of his students, Will Fossey, who said that his smile and enthusiasm inspired him in class.
‘Personally, before I had Mr Jones, maths was not one of my favourite lessons, I thought it was boring and not very interesting,’ he said.
‘I was still good at maths but had no desire to learn. Mr Jones motivates me to try my hardest and always give 100% in everything.’
Will said he achieved his foundation GCSE in the subject in Year 9 and owes it all to Mr Jones.
‘It was all down to Mr Jones’ hard work and dedication to me and the students. He held after-school lessons in his own time and really cares for each student in his class. He wants every student to strive for and achieve their best.
‘No lesson is ever the same with Mr Jones – they are always so exciting and intuitive.
‘We learn new things as well as having fun, we laugh throughout the lesson and there isn’t one student or teacher that doesn’t admire his work ethic and motivation towards the art of maths.’
Will thought it was about time Mr Jones gets the credit he feels he deserves.