Pride of Guernsey: Oliver Whitwam
FIVE-YEAR-OLD Oliver Whitwam is ‘a life saver, a true angel’ after he donated bone marrow to his sister who needed a transplant.
He has been nominated for the Specsavers-sponsored Carer of the Year Award by Rachel Tyson.
Rachel said, ‘Oliver was a one in four match for his sister – we were so lucky.
‘Oliver went to Bristol and was so brave in the operation when donating his marrow to his sister, who he was not able to see after the transplant while Gracie was in isolation.
‘He saved her life.’
Oliver was away from his mum for the majority of the last 18 months and his first year of school.
‘He is a fighter and had to get along with life as normal as possible while his sister had been poorly,’ Rachel said.
‘His world was turned completely upside down, but you would never know if you met him.
‘Oliver is an absolute pleasure to be around, he is a joy.’