Pride of Guernsey: Ashley Smith and Poppet
ASHLEY SMITH and his dog Poppet are known to bring a smile to the faces of not only the patients at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital, but the staff’s too.

Nominated by the hospital’s Brock Ward sister Moira Norman for the Specsavers-sponsored Carer of the Year Award, Mr Smith has been described as dedicated.
‘The time this chap takes with his little dog and the pleasure he brings our patients who sometimes are so sick or even just lonely because they have been in hospital is incredible,’ she said.
Mr Smith is part of the Wellbeing Animals Guernsey project that sees volunteers from the charity and their dogs visit hospitals, care and residential homes and other establishments throughout the island, bringing joy and a sense of wellbeing to people by just being with or stroking a friendly dog.
‘Thursday is the day everyone looks forward to on Brock Ward when Ashley and Poppet come and despite all that may be going on in his life he cheers all of our patients up – his dedication is incredible,’ said Ms Norman.
‘There isn’t one person that does not have a great big smile on their face.’
She added: ‘He has been coming since about March, but what an impact he and his dog have made on the ward.
‘They bring a smile and sunshine to everyone.’