Pride of Guernsey: Sian Jones
FOR the second year in a row, artist Sian Jones has been nominated for the Moonpig-sponsored Arts Contributor of the Year Award.

Two nominees waxed lyrical about Sian’s skills. Firstly, Abbie Le Page.
‘Sian has placed positive quotes all over the island – Notes to Islanders – to motivate people, lift spirits and break the stigma of mental health. They encourage you to go searching for them, which gets you out and exercising too. Many people have appreciated and taken pictures of these signs. It’s a beautiful way to comfort those who you don’t know need comforting.’
Similarly, Matt Raines took comfort in Sian’s work.
‘Sian’s Notes to Islanders revival during the coronavirus lockdown put a smile on everyone’s faces and helped us all feel connected with one another. Islanders’ mental health took a big blow during the pandemic and encouraging conversation about our feelings and an awareness that other people share our experiences was vitally important for everyone’s wellbeing. Along with the rainbows in windows, flags, and the pebbles on the sea walls, Sian’s signs became a Guernsey Together emblem.’