Pride of Guernsey: Edie Dorrian
A WELL-ROUNDED student who has ‘excelled academically and socially’ has been nominated for the St Pierre Park-sponsored Pride of Guernsey Young Achiever award by her head of year.
‘Edie Dorrian is a Year 7 pupil who has made the difficult move to a new school in a really challenging year,’ Year 7 head of year at St Sampson’s High School Deborah Hollingworth said.
‘As part of the first comprehensive cohort, Edie has excelled academically and socially and has really become a leader in a school which values her enormously.’
She said Edie is an excellent athlete, a great story writer and works incredibly hard at everything she does.
Edie was also part of a team that won this year’s Barclay’s Business Challenge with her innovative designs for dog leads made from recycled fire hoses.
‘Edie is a keen conservationist and, as part of a higher ability challenge, was working on a project to recycle beach waste into jewellery on the island,’ Ms Hollingworth said.
She described Edie as a great role model for her peers and a good friend to all who know her.
‘Edie really deserves this award for making such a contribution in such difficult times,’ she said.