Pride of Guernsey: Andy Adam
A PARAMEDIC who led the way in screening Covid patients has been nominated for the Madmax Race Team-sponsored Emergency Hero of the Year award.

Andy Adam has been put forward by lead nurse emergency care and Covid screening Philippa Le Vasseur.
‘When Covid-19 arrived in Guernsey, Andy Adam was one of the first paramedics to step up and lead the way in screening patients,’ she said.
‘He put his own life on the line for the benefit of the community, he worked tirelessly both in the screening centre, the Emergency Department and in the community, all in addition to his full-time role as a paramedic officer. Andy continues to contribute to ED and screening during his days off as a paramedic and brings humour and professionalism to everyday situations which at times can be stressful and challenging.’
Mr Adam has served with the St John Emergency Ambulance Service for 35 years and combines operational and team leader responsibilities in his role as a station officer as well as leading and instructing the volunteer ambulance reserves.
He was a principal member and instructor with the Cliff Rescue Team, and was also on the hyperbaric recompression team, as well as a crew member on the inshore rescue boats.
‘Andy is held in high regard by fellow health care professionals and his support to the senior management team of the ambulance service was recently recognised by St John,’ Ms Le Vasseur said.
‘Andy has an intrinsic motivation to help people and is a perfect role model for new paramedics. Andy is a shining example of a home-grown paramedic and really deserves this award for his community efforts to keep Guernsey residents safe.’