Pride of Guernsey: Tricia Boyle
A COMMUNITY staff nurse has been nominated for the Ravenscroft-sponsored Angel of the Year award.
Tricia Boyle was put forward by Mandy Davies.
‘I am nominating Tricia because she deserves to be recognised for her work as a dedicated community staff nurse,’ she said.
‘She doesn’t just do her job, she excels at her job.’
Ms Davies said that Miss Boyle has been working in her role as a community staff nurse for more than 25 years and cares for patients with a variety of needs in their own home.
‘I most admire her for the care she gives to her palliative care end of life patients, supporting the patient and their families.’
Palliative end of life care involves making a patient as comfortable as possible in the last months or years of their life by easing their pain or other symptoms. It also involves giving psychological support to patients to minimise their distress. It allows people to die with dignity and to live as happily as possible before they die.
Ms Davies added that Miss Boyle gives her patients the time, care and support they need, never leaving them until she is satisfied she has done so.
‘She carries out her work with compassion,’ Mandy said, and her patients look forward to her visits.
Ms Davies said this is because Miss Boyle looks at them all as individuals, respecting them for who they are.
‘Over the years she has supported patients and their families through some of their darkest hours with compassion and caring in a very special way.’