Pride of Guernsey: Mark Cook
MARK COOK has been nominated for the Moonpig-sponsored Arts Champion of the Year award for his sculptures which ‘enhance St Peter Port and have helped raise the profile of the arts in Guernsey’.

Mr Cook, 57, has produced three sculptures in St Peter Port. In 2015 he created the donkey statue, ‘Matilda and Foal’, beside the Markets. This was done free of charge in partnership with the Guernsey Adult Literacy Project.
Lorraine and Peter Pannett, who nominated Mr Cook, said: ‘He is committed to accessible public art that islanders and visitors can engage with in practice. For a moment they can become part of the work.’
Mr Cook also created the statue titled Past, Present, Future outside the Guernsey Information Centre which celebrates the 75th anniversary of Liberation Day.
He also created a sculpture of Victor Hugo outside the Town Church titled L’Espace Creatif, also for free.
Mr Cook has combined his artistic talents with teaching and is currently a lecturer in creative arts at the College of Further Education.
‘Teaching is really rewarding. You learn so much from the students,’ he said.
Mr and Mrs Pannett added: ‘Mark has helped to shape the arts on the Island, giving his time and skills to a variety of organisations. He is committed to educating future generations of creatives, benefiting the community across a broad range of artistic practice.’