Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Alvina Tostevin

Alvina TOSTEVIN has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award, sponsored by Specsavers.

Alvina Tostevin and husband Nick. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31114073)

Alvina cares for her husband Nick full time, as he has frontal lobe dementia, arthritis, epilepsy, and is recovering from cancer.

It is clear to see as soon as you meet Alvina that she puts her everything into caring for her husband and does such an amazing job at looking after his mental wellbeing.

It’s not easy to be a 24/7 carer but Alvina does it with a smile, says her nominator Erin Mansell.

‘Alvina always takes Nick out of the house to cafes, and on walks, which helps him a lot.

‘She doesn’t hesitate to go out of her way for him at any time of day.

‘She has also recently spoken out about the struggles that carers face, giving a voice to carers across the island that otherwise wouldn’t be heard.

‘Her and Nick are both lovely people and deserve to be recognised for it.’

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