Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Samantha Bull

Samantha BULL has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award, kindly sponsored by Specsavers, for being a ‘true hero’ to her godson over the past year.

(Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 31078430)

‘She is a kind, caring and loving person – she always puts others first and would do anything for her godson and his mum,’ said Samantha’s nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous.

‘For 11 months, Sam went to the children’s ward at the hospital to help care for her godson, who was born with severe disabilities.

‘Sam would work a full day in the pharmacy and then provided him with evening care before helping him to settle for the night. She did this seven nights a week.

‘Sam also made sure that she gave her godson the best Christmas he could wish for, making lots of memories for him, herself and her best friend. We are all very grateful for everything that she does, she really is our angel and our hero.’

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