Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Claire Le Conte

‘PASSIONATE and caring’ Claire Le Conte has been nominated for Angel of the Year, which is sponsored by Ravenscroft.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31122709)

She has been working at Green Oaks Nursing Home for about four years and has been the manager for just over a year.

Nominator Jenna Eldridge, who also works at Green Oaks, said: ‘Claire is one of the most passionate and caring managers I have ever had the privilege of working with.

‘She always has a smile on her face every day no matter what and her positive smiley attitude rubs off on all round her.

‘Each and every one of our residents’ lives are enriched by having her run our beautiful home.

‘Her passion and dedication to our home and our residents is bar none.

‘Her sensitive nature and sense of humour make the home into a lovely place to work, as I’m sure all our staff would agree.

‘She is open minded to new ideas that would make our residents’ lives that little bit better and always goes the extra mile not just for the residents but the staff as well.

‘Since working with her I have seen our residents and our staff come on in leaps and bounds.

‘Claire is always about giving people a chance to shine and helping them improve or making the best of every situation no matter what.

‘She always has time for everyone, residents, relatives and staff alike. You can really see she cares in everything she does.’

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