Health Connections shop staff
STAFF at the Health Connections charity shops have been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award, which is sponsored by DWA.

The shops are currently run by a team of about 20 volunteers.
The staff were put forward by CEO of Health Connections Bella Farrell, who said: ‘The Health Connections charity shop team have consistently provided the highest standard of customer service from our two shops in Town over the past year.
‘These shops combined have consistently raised vital funds of over £20,000 per month for local charity Health Connections LBG, enabling the charity to be over 80% self-sufficient, which is testimony to how successful this team has been.
‘Our shop volunteers range from age 14 to 84.
‘We have volunteers from local schools, community service volunteers, carers who feel isolated as well as many professionals who volunteer on their days off as they enjoy it so much.
‘Our volunteers are supported by two key shop managers, Kate Bridges and Agi Savcenko.
‘We have a customer feedback book in both stores by the front doors. Customers are always amazed and leave us great feedback.’