Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Ellie Robert

ELLIE ROBERT, teacher at Hautes Capelles, has been nominated for Teacher of the Year.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 32334068)

Ellie joined Hautes Capelles last September after studying at Winchester University. She has just finished teaching her first year teaching children in Year 6, and has also helped a Year 4 teacher organise girls football, making sure there is one day a week where the girls can play.

‘I was nervous at first but it’s been the best experience I’ve had,’ she said.

‘My first class are about to leave for secondary school but they’ve been amazing.

‘Everyone’s been fantastic, the children have taught me as much as I’ve taught them. They’ve been the best first year group and the team’s been amazing too.’

Ellie’s nominator, who wished to remain anonymous, thanked Ellie for all her hard work.

‘It was Miss Robert’s first year in charge of her own class which my daughter was lucky enough to be in for her final year at Hautes Capelles and she has absolutely loved it.

‘She’s given my previously quite shy daughter the confidence to ask questions and talk in front of the class, and has made learning fun, which of course engages children even more. I’m sure Miss Robert will do incredibly well in her teaching career.’

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