Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Cheryl Harvey

CHERYL HARVEY has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award.

(Picture By Peter Frankland, 32334218)

Her nominator, her niece Rosie, said: ‘After leaving her job as a night carer last year, my auntie Cheryl moved her parents from their care home back into her house and has been caring for them since.

‘I really feel that she deserves some recognition for what she does. I have never met someone so selfless and who puts everyone before herself.

‘Some days are quite challenging, but she never complains or asks for anything in return.

‘She is always doing everything she can for everyone else, always putting herself last.’

On top of caring for her parents, Cheryl then also became a carer for three of her grandchildren.

She was quite shocked to receive the nomination.

‘You do it because you have to do it,’ she said.

‘I’m a daughter, a grandmother, I’m just doing what I do.’

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