Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Jonathan Furley

JONATHAN FURLEY has been nominated for the Teacher of the Year award, sponsored by Core Fund Services.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 32352640)

Mr Furley has been headteacher at Les Voies School since 2013 and is being recognised for his tireless work in helping the students at his school.

‘Mr Furley is an amazing headteacher,’ said his nominator, Mags Power.

‘Thanks to Mr Furley, our daughter is making her dreams come true.

‘He is always trying his best and doesn’t give up.

‘There are not enough words to say how thankful we are for his amazing work with our daughter. Mr Furley did everything for her.

‘For us as parents we could see the light again.

‘She is happy, she’s getting the education she needs. Now she wants to go to school, now she wants to wear her uniform.

Mr and Mrs Power are extremely grateful to the whole school, for which Mr Furley must stand as representative of Les Voies.

‘The change in our child is amazing. These people are the ones who can bring the best out of her,’ they said.

‘They kill that negativity with positivity. There are children coming out with a smile.

‘We’re never kept in the dark about our child.

‘There are not enough words to say how thankful we are to have been given a chance with our child.’

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