Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Martine Stuart

MARTINE STUART, teacher at St Martin’s Primary School, has been nominated for Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Core Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 32338591)

‘I’ve worked here for 19 years, this was my childhood school. I usually work part-time but they had a full-time teaching vacancy so I took it on,' she said.

'It’s been a really positive experience. It is only for this year as I will return to my private post but it’s been one of my most rewarding years – it’s had its challenges but it’s wonderful to teach the children.’

Award nominator Hannah Robilliard praised the great work Ms Stuart has done to help her son Elijah, particularly covering his Year 2 class until a permanent teacher was found.

‘She exudes encouragement and celebrates achievements big and small. My son thinks she is brilliant. I can’t thank her enough for all the wonderful teaching and fun she has provided him with this academic year. Thank you.’

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