Guernsey Press

Hazel Kehoe

HAZEL KEHOE has been nominated for Parent of the Year, sponsored by Ray and Scott.


Hazel came to live in Guernsey 33 years ago. She worked at the MSG for 11 years, then became a practice nurse before working in most of the wards at the PEH. During the first lockdown, Hazel worked in ANE second cardiology, where she oversaw vaccinations and testing, as well as helping with administration. She now works in the Le Marchant ward as a general nurse.

As a single parent, Hazel has worked alongside raising her children, Lewis, 23, Christian, 19, and Arlene, 18.

Hazel was pleased with her nomination.

‘It’s been really hard work but enjoyable, we’ve had lots of opportunities and I’ve had very good support from my friends.

‘I love being a nurse and as a family we’ve been through quite a lot. My best friend and her family have been extremely supportive.

‘After Covid I had a period of illness for about a year, which was really difficult for the kids. But we all got through it.’

Nominator Lewis Kehoe thanked his mum for everything she does for him.

‘My mum is an extremely hard-working single parent and nurse, who has taken the best care of us for our whole lives. There’s been many ups and downs but she always manages to come out the other side of it. We love you Mum!’

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