Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Sandra Caboz

SANDRA CABOZ has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award, sponsored by Specsavers.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32376284)

Sandra has been a carer for a decade and works with Sitting Services to provide companionship for the elderly.

Her nominators, Leonard and Margaret Domaille, are extremely grateful to her for her help.

Leonard had some beautiful words for her, highlighting the difference she makes to both his and his wife’s lives.

‘You always know what to say when I am down, you make me laugh and uplift my spirits. Thank you so much for the kindness you have shown me, you are so caring,’ he said.

‘She is such a lovely person. She sits with me so my wife can go out and have a little time to herself.’

Sandra was not expecting the nomination.

‘I was just so shocked, it took me by surprise,’ she said. ‘I love caring about people, it’s in my nature.’

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