Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Sandra Truelove

SANDRA TRUELOVE has been nominated for the Teacher of the Year award, sponsored by Core Fund Services (Guernsey) Ltd.


‘Sandra has been a learning support assistant at Vauvert Primary School for many years and is a fun, caring and kind colleague to work with,’ said her nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous.

‘She cares deeply about the children she works with and strives to make all children feel included and safe.

‘She has recently worked as a one-to-one support and devised a curriculum for the pupil with their interests in mind and successfully integrated them into school life.

‘It’s an isolating job being a one-to-one, but she’s done such an amazing job.

‘The child is now ready to go to secondary school. Without her support I don’t know if they would have got there.

‘She works so hard every day and really deserves to be recognised for her inspiring work.’

Sandra has spent 28 years in Guernsey, having originally come from Peru. She started out in banking then moved to teaching nine years ago and has loved it ever since.

‘I’m a bit overwhelmed now,’ she said.

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