Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Sarah Buck

SARAH BUCK has been nominated for Teacher of the Year.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32368930)

Sarah has been teaching for 15 years, the past 11 of those spent at Les Beaucamps High School.

‘The best thing about my job is working with students who are all so different,’ she said.

‘It’s wonderful to see how they change over the course of their time with us and seeing the adults they become.’

‘I’ve never met a teacher more caring than she is,’ said her nominator and tutee Kori Mourant.

‘She is always helping people and making sure they get a good education whilst also feeling comfortable at school.

‘She is so positive and makes me want to try harder.

‘She is so accepting of everyone with sensory issues, she’s always looking for the good in people.

‘I love that she also cares about the mental health side of things too because that is so important to a lot of people.

‘I really look up to her, she’s helped me a lot and I hope that she gets the appreciation she deserves.’

Sarah said: ‘I’m really grateful for her nomination but would stress that this is what teachers do day-in, day-out.

‘The job is about more than just teaching, and it’s working to support students like Kori that makes it so rewarding.’

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