Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Steph Black

STEPH BLACK has been nominated for Teacher of the Year award.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32367400)

Steph has spent more than 10 years working as a speech and language therapist, and has been running her own signalong lessons, Little Puffin Signing, for four years.

‘From the first class I was absolutely blown away,’ said her nominator Emily Tostevin, who started going to Little Puffin Signing with her young daughter last year.

‘She is clearly a real expert in her field without ever talking down to you - my little girl always loves every class, but I also always learn so much to take away each week.

‘Every session is so well planned, with different themes every week and a small group that means everyone gets plenty of time and attention.

‘Steph is so natural with young children. I’ve always said that my daughter would be happy just to watch Steph as she is so calm and caring.

‘I’ve been surprised at how much I use the signs outside of classes and how much it helps with my daughter’s language development.

‘As a speech and language therapist, Steph always takes the time to explain how to develop speech and understanding.

‘Steph not only cares about the children in the class, I was really touched by classes in the early days of parenting when I would sometimes be overtired and struggling. Steph would always notice and take the time to listen. She’s an absolute star and would be a worthy winner of the award.’

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