Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Victor Lane

VICTOR LANE has been nominated for Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Core Fund Services (Guernsey) Ltd.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 32385277)

‘Mr Lane has been teaching for over 30 years across the primary and secondary schools of Guernsey, teaching valuable IT skills,’ said his nominator Inez Burkin.

‘He has worked tirelessly in the background and in lessons trying to ensure the children of the island have access to the best possible, up-to-date knowledge of technology, working hard to research the best equipment he can source, along software and skills that will stand students in good stead in their future.

‘He spends his weekends putting together video examples, websites and projects for the students to use to learn and nobody knows he does any of it, because it’s all in his own time.’

Victor started out at La Mare in 1989 and is now also part of the Island Online Safety Committee to promote online safety.

‘Guernsey has its own curriculum, and working as a team we’ve developed teaching videos, lesson plans, developing digital teaching both as a subject in its own right as well as furthering it as part of many different subjects. It is a medium for creativity and a means of self-expression,’ he said.

His nominator continued: ‘This teacher has given his teaching life to the island and he deserves recognition for all his contributions but because he doesn’t work at any one school, but across them, his incredible work goes unnoticed.’

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