Pride of Guernsey: The porters of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital and Oberlands Centre
The porters of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital and Oberlands Centre have been nominated for the Angel of the Year award, sponsored by Ravenscroft.

‘Portering and security deserve to be recognised for their commitment to the security and safe running of both units,’ said their nominator, a former porter who wishes to remain anonymous.
‘Porters are not just frontline workers but they are front-frontline workers.
‘All throughout the pandemic we were always there at the front meeting and greeting patients and staff, transferring patients to Covid wards in full PPE, dripping in sweat, keeping corridors clear for the safe transfer of patients and staff.
‘The mental and physical strain was unbelievable at times but turning up shift after shift, 24 hours a day to support patients, doctors and the nursing staff took courage and dedication.
‘Outside we guided traffic to and through the Covid tents in the rain, wind and scorching heat at times.
‘In times of uncertainty we needed to calm some very upset and anxious members of the public, sometimes four people to a car, including young children, as this was a very upsetting and unsettling time for them and it was very upsetting to see at times.
‘Now and again, someone would say thank you for doing the job, the job we were paid to do, but that thank you was better than the pay.
‘I think and feel that the porters were overlooked during these times. You name it, the porters do it all.’