Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Megan Jackson

MEGAN JACKSON has been nominated for the Customer Service award, sponsored by DWA.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32388628)

‘I really think Megan deserves this award because her customer service skills are second to none,’ said her nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous.

‘She has worked at Boots in Town for a very long time now so she really knows the ropes and knows everything that she has to do day to day. When Megan is serving in the town shop she is normally asked to work on the bottom, pharmacy floor.

‘She just gets on with it. Sometimes she is thrown in the deep end at the very last minute with things but her with her work ethic and enthusiasm, she just gets on with the job at hand and does what she needs to do.

‘You are always greeted with a big smile when you get served by Megan and she is always chatty, never misses a day of work, always turns up in the mornings nice and early.

‘She is so hard-working, and Megan is always willing to start early or stay late. We are extremely proud and lucky to have such an awesome person on the team.

‘She really is very deserving of this amazing award.’

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