Pride of Guernsey: The CAMHS team
The CAMHS Team has been nominated for the Angel of the Year award, sponsored by Ravenscroft.

CAMHS, or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, provide crucial support and treatment to young people aged 18 and under who have emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.
‘I was discharged from CAMHS this year after turning 18 but this team has been there for me through it all – no matter how difficult I was they never gave up on me and I want to thank them for that,’ said their nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous.
‘Particularly Sarah Mead who has been by my side since I was 12, making me laugh and giving me a reality check when needed.
‘Adam Farish, who quite literally saved me and saw something in me when I couldn’t see a way out.
‘Laura Edwards and David Watson for getting me
through 12 weeks of DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy) last year.
‘To Jess Taylor and the rest of my team over the years, I wouldn’t be here without you.
‘I’m beyond grateful for all of your support and for never giving up on me, thank you.’