Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Les Banquesy

LES BANQUESY has been nominated for bringing joy to many with their puffin and gannet paintings on the halfway bus shelter.

The people behind Les Banquesy are Rob Gill, St Sampson’s constable, and douzenier Jenny Marquand. (32398512)

The Arts Contribution award is sponsored by Moonpig.

‘They have brought pride to their community,’ said their nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous.

The paintings started to appear on the walls of the shelter in April before being finished and perfected in time for the Island Games in July.

The people behind Les Banquesy are Rob Gill, St Sampson’s constable, and douzenier Jenny Marquand.

‘We kept anonymous to avoid media attention and to keep the story alive,’ said Rob.

‘I’m amazed we’ve been nominated, and I’m glad people appreciate them,’ said Jenny when she was told about their nomination.

Islanders have become fond of the paintings: ‘Every day I drive past them, and it always brings positivity to my day,’ their nominator said.

In brightening up a tired-looking but prominent building along the eastern seafront, the two artists have brought delight to the public and the parish.

‘I consider Les Banquesy deserves the Pride of Guernsey award,’ said their nominator.

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