Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Toby Tyne

TOBY TYNE has been nominated for the Angel of the Year award.

Toby Tyne, a mechanical engineer at the PEH, has been nominated for Angel of the Year. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32398981)

‘Toby has worked at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital for over a year now as a mechanical engineer. He has worked tirelessly with his other team members, nurses and doctors, fixing and mending important equipment such as oxygen tanks, MRI equipment and other important mechanical items that help save the local people’s lives on a daily basis,’ said his nominator, who wished to remain anonymous.

‘This department in the hospital often goes unnoticed due to the “behind the scenes” work that they do and they provide such important help to those who need us the most.

‘The ongoing running of the hospital goes unnoticed. Their workshop is literally in the basement.

‘Toby has a great personality and is always ready to help those in need even getting up in the middle of the night to handle the smallest of tasks and we believe that he should be recognised for all the work he has done.

‘I think if he wasn’t there, they’d be a little lost,’ they said.

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