Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Brandon Le Gallais and Romeo Nascimento

ICELAND employees Brandon Le Gallais and Romeo Nascimento have been nominated for the Customer Service award.

Brandon Le Gallais, left, and Romeo Nascimento. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 32402034)

Although not a go-to for many islanders when it comes to their big weekly shop, the small store in Vale Avenue off the Bridge is always a welcoming and friendly place for those who do pop in.

Brandon and Romeo were both surprised, but happy, to find out they had been nominated for the award.

‘That’s our aim, that customers come happy and leave happy,’ said Romeo.

‘The service is always so good,’ said nominator Emily Tostevin.

Romeo, Brandon and former employee Cyrus have helped make this Iceland a friendly store where everyone can go to buy what they need, with amazing customer service.

‘Those three in particular stand out,’ said Emily, but she also believes that the customer service in Iceland stores across the island is some of the best.

‘It’s very good that we’ve been nominated,’ said Romeo when he heard about the nomination.

He has been working at Iceland for six months, and Brandon for a year, and they both love their jobs and helping customers.

‘It’s a really friendly store,’ said Emily, and employees like Brandon and Romeo have helped to make Iceland a family favourite for many on the island.

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