Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Co-op Locale Vazon

THE CO-OP Locale Vazon has been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award, sponsored by DWA.

(Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 32401667)

The shop’s staff were nominated for their friendly service.

‘They are always prepared to help if you can’t find what you are looking for. They are always polite,’ said their nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous.

They have been shopping at Vazon Co-Op for around 14 years.

‘The same staff have been working there for a while, which is always a good sign.

‘The checkout people are friendly, the Saturday teenagers are especially polite and helpful.

‘They always say “enjoy your day”, little things like that. They did exceptionally well during Covid, always prioritised people’s safety.

‘They will point out offers that you might have missed. I even heard one till assistant reminding one elderly man to remember his coat when going out. It was winter and bitterly cold and he was wearing a thin-looking shirt.’

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