Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Jason Rostron

JASON ROSTRON has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32413587)

‘I would like to nominate Jason for his dedication and amazing hard work over the last 10 years for organising charitable bike nights in conjunction with the Greenman Motorcycle Club,’ said his nominator, Simon De La Mare.

‘His dedication brings the island motorcycle community, and anyone else who fancies popping down, together through the summer months, meeting up at the White Rock Cafe for a couple of hours, having a cuppa and a chat about bikes – meeting old friends,’ said Simon.

‘Over the last 10 years Jason, together with his team of bucket-shakers and with certain sponsors, including Millards, have raised a phenomenal amount of money.

‘I truly feel he deserves some recognition for his superb effort. This year especially, people’s generosity has been out of this world and has been breaking the last count records every month.’

This year, Jason’s bike nights outside the White Rock Cafe have broken the £40,000 mark in total money raised since the nights started in 2013.

This year’s chosen charities include Headway, the Priaulx Premature Baby Foundation, RNLI, Grow Ltd and Dementia Friendly Guernsey.

‘I’m just the host, I couldn’t do it on my own,’ Jason said.

‘It’s not a competition, a race, a show, it’s a social evening. We can use our passion to do something right – making £40,000 having a coffee, chatting with my mates and staring at bikes, it’s not difficult!’

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