Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Sue Devine

SUE DEVINE has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32413922)

She has been running the Mill Street Community Cafe for around three years, but has volunteered her time since it opened in 2013.

‘Sue has worked tirelessly and without any complaint to run a busy cafe over these last six to seven years,’ said her nominator, Graham Adams.

‘She is selfless and has brought a community of people together for food, drink and a chat.

‘Sue is my hero, please please help her receive the recognition she so earnestly deserves.’

‘You wouldn’t believe how much it’s [the cafe] needed,’ Sue said.

‘Not just for people not being able to afford it, but for good company, for loneliness. People need it.’

The cafe underwent renovations this year, and Sue helped to organise it. Now the Mill Street cafe is all the more colourful and bright. It attracts locals and tourists alike for its friendly buzz, at the centre of which is Sue.

‘Everyone absolutely loves it, people love the atmosphere. We always say that people can leave their troubles at the door.’

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