Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Susie Sloman

SUSIE SLOMAN has been nominated for the Teacher of the Year award.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32408210)

‘Susie bent over backwards to help my daughter through her A-level business studies subject. My daughter attended Elizabeth College Sixth Form having been home educated for four years but she really wasn’t coping with this new subject,’ said her nominator, Lisa Newsom.

‘We were recommended Susie as a private tutor – she is the head of business studies at Blanchelande College, a wife, a mum to teenagers and yet she still managed to work tirelessly with my daughter for hours every week on a one-to-one basis, which in turn enabled my daughter to not only finally understand the content, but to catch up to her peers and feel confident in answering exam questions to enable her to actually sit the exams.

‘Susie would break down larger tasks to be more manageable ones and build it up gradually, which meant a lot of extra hours and patience but Susie also knew, like I did, that my daughter was academically capable and that she wanted so desperately to achieve but just needed exactly what Susie gave – reassurance, understanding, alternative solutions, extra time and above all, belief in my daughter.

‘I shall be forever grateful to Susie for all that she did for those last 15 months and would love to see her receive at least some recognition as an amazing teacher.’

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