Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Harry Bushby

HARRY BUSHBY has been nominated for the Sports Volunteer award, which is sponsored by Sure.

(Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 32418414)

Harry has been nominated for the work he does at the Royal Guernsey Golf Club.

His nominator, Conor McKenna, said: ‘He continuously commits time and effort to golf, giving up weekend after weekend and night after night of effort getting tee times and scorecards done ready for competitions while also having to set these competitions up with sponsors.

‘He is also dedicated to his other job at the club of assistant manager, answering all questions.

‘Harry is extremely important to the club.

‘He is young and could spend all his nights out partying but instead Harry slaves away keeping the Royal open and functioning’.

Upon receiving the news of his nomination, Harry said: ‘That’s excellent. I am truly made up.’

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