Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Jan Guillou and Emma Topley

JAN GUILLOU and EMMA TOPLEY of Healthcare Pharmacy in St Martin’s have been nominated for the Customer Service award.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 32423472)

‘Whenever myself or my elderly parents go to the pharmacy, whether it be for our regular medications or just to pick up supplies, we are greeted welcomingly by either Jan or Emma who work on the front desk,’ said their nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous.

‘They are always willing to help and answer our queries and even listen to our issues at times. Many times they have both gone out of their way to order items in or track down medications required from other branches.

‘They make it a relaxed atmosphere to attend and make you feel positive – you don’t feel rushed like some places you visit where they can’t wait to get you out the door.

‘I cannot express how grateful I am for their services to us so am nominating them for their outstanding customer service.’

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