Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Maggie King

MAGGIE KING from The Ladies’ College has been nominated for the Teacher of the Year award, which is sponsored by Core Fund Services (Guernsey).

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32410254)

‘Mrs King is an amazing drama teacher, her talent and enthusiasm shines through every pore of her body,’ said nominator Phoebe Smart, 16.

‘She encourages, nurtures and brings out the best in all of her pupils, but there is another side to Mrs King which is the reason for her nomination. In 2020, I was diagnosed with anxiety and struggled in school. That September, Mrs King became my drama teacher and built up my confidence with her continuous support and encouragement.

‘On a recent drama trip to London, I was terrified of travelling but Mrs King made sure she sat with me, talked with me, shared her music and cared for me when we were on the plane for four hours, unable to land in Guernsey. My anxiety levels went through the roof but she remained calm and kept me talking with her usual splash of humour.

‘Mrs King is the reason I have stayed in school and completed all of my GCSE exams. She is a superb drama teacher, but her pastoral skills go above and beyond her teaching duties and I will be forever grateful to her. She thoroughly deserves this award.’

Mrs King’s caring nature was also recognised by Zara Smart, 12.

‘When I had to leave lessons, she would sit with me and talk with me until I felt better. She encouraged me to stay in school and not automatically look to go home.

‘When my mum was on a school residential off-island, I really struggled in school, but Mrs King rang my mum and enabled me to talk to her to ease my worries.

‘She is simply the best,’ she said.

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