Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Neave Chatting-Tonks

NEAVE CHATTING-TONKS, 16, has been nominated for the Young Achiever of the Year award.

(Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 32421441)

‘Neave suffered the loss of her mother aged five and at eight was diagnosed with dyslexia. Despite these setbacks, Neave has remained positive and resilient. She tries so hard at school despite feeling her efforts are not rewarded with high scores,’ said her nominator, Sue Ferreira.

‘She sees the good in every situation and is a kind and caring friend. Neave was nominated chair of the Youth Forum and also selected as the Lt-Governor’s Cadet 2023.’

In order to become chair of the Youth Forum, Neave was nominated by her peers. The Youth Forum allows the young people of today to connect with local businesses and key figures so they can have their voices heard. Issues and problems are discussed and how they wish to tackle them, such as inclusion.

Neave became the Lt-Governor’s Cadet after being nominated by her school, The Ladies’ College, the Youth Forum and the Army Cadets.

‘She just shines – her personality, she just wants to get involved,’ Sue continued.

‘She tries so hard, never gives up, is happy to keep persevering and that takes quite a bit of character.

‘She is determined to succeed.’

Neave said: 'I can’t let dyslexia get in the way.

'I’m honestly proud to represent Guernsey.’

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