Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Verena Symons

VERENA SYMONS has been nominated for the Grandparent/s of the Year award.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 32431400)

‘She deserves to be nominated because my grandma was the person that taught me how to paint. Ever since I was two years old I have been painting – even though back then I was only able to do handprints and random splodges,’ said her nominator, Emily Le Page, 12.

Under her grandma’s guidance, Emily’s artistic skills have bloomed. She has graduated from handprints to using watercolours and acrylics, from splodges to painting pictures of her grandma’s cats and entering competitions.

‘But gradually with more tips and tricks that my grandma taught me, I improved greatly and went on to winning first and second place for my paintings at the South Show in the previous couple of years.

‘Plus, this year I entered a painting in the Eisteddfod and won first class. I am very grateful for my grandma teaching me how to paint and I think her paintings are great too – although she never likes to say the same herself.’

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