Pride of Guernsey: Deb Carter
DEB CARTER has been nominated for the Parent of the Year award, which is sponsored by Ray & Scott.

‘My mum is an absolute inspiration. She is nothing but supportive, and loves everyone and everything. She has had a lot to cope with throughout her life,’ said her nominator, Alicia Carter.
‘Despite these things, she has taken these in her stride, and she is absolutely fantastic at being a mum. She has given up everything to make sure my sister is well-cared for, and made sure that I gained the independence I needed in life.
‘All my success is thanks to my mum, my role model and my biggest supporter. Everyone loves her, as do I.’
Through family strife and scares, Deb has ‘just got on with it’, as Alicia put it. Alicia’s sister has severe autism, so Deb has arranged her daily life to fit around her daughter’s needs.
‘She’s a brilliant person. She’ll have a laugh but also be serious. She never stops making sure I’m okay. With all she’s gone through she’s taken it in her stride,’ Alicia said. ‘She’s supported myself and my fiance with anything and everything, and we all love her to pieces. She’s one of the biggest support networks and she’s welcomed my fiance with open arms.
‘We couldn’t be more grateful. After everything she’s been through, she’s come out the other side. I respect her to high heaven.’