Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Mark Holliday

MARK HOLLIDAY has been nominated for the Grandparent of the Year award.

(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32437953)

‘Mark Holliday is a patient, quiet, unflappable person with a sense of humour, who, over the years, since he and his wife stepped in to fill a vacuum to provide the necessary care and loving environment for an infant – a grandson with special needs – has undertaken the major role of step-grandfather,’ said Anne Hutchings, who put Mark forward for the award.

‘Mark realised that to be a mentor and carer for this youngster would be a full-time role so, unselfishly, took early retirement to fit into a role which is now permanent. He and his wife moved after searching for a home with a garden, an environment where the little boy would be safe.

‘Mark does the school run and together, granddad and grandson go and feed their goats besides enjoying family activities.

‘Both grandparents attend meetings which involve learning more about their grandson’s condition. The boy, now six, is their priority.

‘Mark and his wife, now in their later years, have sacrificed the respite retired folk expect to dedicate their lives to caring and supporting the little lad.

‘Those already caring for children, and especially one with special needs, are aware how demanding, tiring and often stressful it can be but also know, like Mark, how loveable and interesting the children are.’

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